The Meaning of Plants by Tara Meddaugh: A Dramatic monologue from the play, Brush Them Fleas

If you’re looking for a dramatic (slightly comedic) monologue from a full-length play, check out my 2-minute or 1-minute version of the monologue, The Meaning of Plants. In it, Stacy expresses her disdain for pretty flowers which hold meaning from the giver (like, “I love you,” “I’m sorry” or “you died”). She prefers the brightness and freedom of dandelions, but most of all, she loves potatoes. Their existence is hidden below the common world, but while humble, is very important.

Stacy is not entirely unlike the humble, but important potato, lying undiscovered. She is a hard working employee at a dog grooming salon. She’s awkward, a bit uncomfortable in her own skin. She endures harassment and lies from another employee, but has found Mr. Boland, the client she speaks to about plants, to be an unassuming, gentle soul. Through the play, Brush Them Fleas, Stacy struggles against accusations and lies, and ultimately finds her own voice and strength. Click here to read the full-length absurdist comedy, Brush Them Fleas or an excerpt from the play.

This monologue has a 1-minute version here (which ends before Stacy speaks about potatoes), as well as a longer 2-minute version here, including her musings on the potato.

Learn the brief description of the play, Brush Them Fleas, from which this monologue comes, then enjoy and excerpt below from the monologue, The Meaning of Plants.

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Eiffel Tower Keychain by Tara Meddaugh: New dramatic children's monologue

Cruelty continues to be a theme I explore in my work for adults, as well as for children and teens. It’s a theme that will always be examined in many mediums by many people—because, sadly, it happens from cradle to grave—from those with the least power to (quite dangerously) those with the most power.

While my writing often explores cruelty, more importantly, it explores those who experience cruelty and their journey to gain strength. This happens in outwardly large ways and it happens in seemingly small ways. Giving voice to those struggling against oppressors, whether this be from leaders, “frenemies,” manipulating criminals, or schoolyard bullies, is important because these voices are valuable, precious, and inspiring. They are the ones we need to hear.

In my short monologue, Eiffel Tower Keychain, Lindsey gains strength against her classroom bully. Lindsey’s father, who has moved and no longer lives with her, gave her a glass Eiffel Tower keychain, which now a bully has grabbed from her. Lindsey pleads with the taunting bully to give her back the keychain. At first she is meek, then she demands it back with the strength of deserved self-worth. This is a short dramatic monologue, only around 30 seconds in length, appropriate for children or tweens, gender-neutral.

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Butterfly in the Tomato Plant by Tara Meddaugh: New 30-second children's dramatic monologue

If you’re looking for a short children’s monologue with a dramatic bent, consider my monologue, Butterfly in the Tomato Plant. It is a challenge to perform (or write) a monologue which shows arc and range in 30 seconds but rewarding to explore. In Butterfly in the Tomato Plant, Nicole observes an injured butterfly, bullied by the same children who had bullied her the previous day (they ripped her backpack and now they have ripped the butterfly’s wings). She reflects on her own desire to have wings and escape bullies, but then realizes the butterfly’s wings did not end up saving it. She decides to take the butterfly home to care for it in a windowsill plant she has been nurturing herself.

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20 + Christmas Monologues

Holiday lights and decorations are going up EARLY this year! While live productions in theater are rare right now (what a surreal/hard thing to say…), many performers are turning to monologues as they gear up for streamed shows, classroom performances, or socially distanced live theater. Monologue-based performances allow actors to rehearse on their own, and lend themselves easily to a Zoom-style platform. Whether you’re able to manage covid-precautioned in-person theater or are using a video service, holiday monologues can be a nice way to keep festive theater on the mind.

Check out these ten (10) Christmas monologues below, plus a packet of additional Christmas monologues for children, extracted from my one-act play, Christmas Superpowers and Believing in Blitzen. These monologues range in length from 30 seconds to 5 minutes.

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Christmas Kale by Tara Meddaugh: a 1-minute children's comedic monologue

It’s Christmas morning and Sam has a problem. He is outraged that Santa has, yet again, given him oranges in his stocking, despite his previous complaints that he doesn’t like them. Since Santa has not heeded his requests, Sam devises a simple plan that will teach Santa a lesson.

Christmas Kale is a one-minute comedic children’s monologue, for an inclusive cast (not gender specific). It’s suitable for children or pre-teens.

Christmas Kale is from the one-act play, Christmas Superpowers and Believing in Blitzen.

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Children/Teen Monologue: Second-Hand Dirt by Tara Meddaugh

In Sharing Soil (a 10-minute play within my longer vignette-style piece, Movements of the Wind), Carrot and Potato risk safety and rejection from their own garden cultures when they embark on a new friendship in the face of soil prejudices.

Carrot’s monologue, Second-Hand Dirt, from Sharing Soil, shows a moment of how hurt can be masked with scapegoating. Carrot has just been bullied by other carrots, even having her carrot tip bitten off by them. When Potato finds her crying, Carrot lashes out in misplaced anger toward the quizzical young vegetable. Potato does not stand for this, and Carrot shares how her attempts to be kind to other carrots have not been reciprocated, leading her to become “mean.”

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14 Suspenseful Monologues

Suspense is a powerful tool in theater. Who doesn’t want to keep the audience on the edge of their seat? Writers and directors can create entire plays or films that center on building suspense, ultimately paying off in the final scene. When you have only 1-2 minutes in a monologue to convey a scene or character, creating this world of suspense can be a challenge, but if you manage it, you’ll have your own payoff.

Here, I’ve compiled 12 short monologues which cultivate a scenario of suspense, while conveying a memorable story and character. From murdered ferrets, floods and fangs, to guns, sirens and fires—these monologues are sure to keep your audience leaning in.

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New dark comedy/Dramatic monologue: "What My Fangs Are For" by Tara Meddaugh

My new monologue, What My Fangs Are For, is the story of a werewolf child telling his mom about his first squirrel kill; it’s darkly humorous, a bit creepy, a bit dramatic. But…it’s also the story of a boy discovering a new identity, trying to make his mother proud, then worrying, with horror, that his new identity may drive her to not love him anymore.

Maybe the whole “eating a raw squirrel” part is not so relatable, but Sammy is not the only child (or adult) to have to reveal a part of their identity which they worry a loved one may not accept.

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"The Thing About Mermaids" by Tara Meddaugh: New children's comedic 1-minute monologue

Okay, so if you had to choose one mystical creature to be real, which would you choose? In my new monologue, The Thing About Mermaids, Riley encounters a real live mermaid…but is Riley excited by this discovery or does Riley think it’s a waste of a mystical creature?

Enjoy this free 45 second - 1 minute long comedic monologue for children, gender neutral casting. (For a dramatic 10-minute monologue play about mermaids, click here for Marsopa’s Tale).

Special thanks to Julian (and his mom), for inspiring this monologue!

Check out the excerpt below from, THE THING ABOUT MERMAIDS:

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New dramatic monologue: "Birthday Balloons" by Tara Meddaugh

If you’re looking for a dramatic, heartfelt monologue, approximately 2 minutes long, for a female actor (or male), consider my new monologue, Birthday Balloons. Grief has been an uninvited guest in my life the past 5 years, one which has also snuck into my writing in fits and starts. I wrote this a year ago, found it yesterday and edited—and…can I confess something? I almost don’t even want to look at this again. It becomes a little hard to breathe when I read it. Still, I share it with you. Because there are many things we don’t wish to sit in which find voice and connection in theater.

In this dramatic monologue, Adelaide, suffering from a terminal illness, tries to reconcile her desire to give her son a happy birthday next month with the impending hopelessness she feels. She speaks to her friend. You may read the excerpt below and click at the end for a free digital copy of the whole monologue, Birthday Balloons.

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New comedic/dramatic monologue: "The Best General Tso's" by Tara Meddaugh

My short monologue, The Best General Tso’s is about finding old General Tso’s chicken in the refrigerator during stay-at-home measures. While losses are certainly felt in big moments, I’ve often found that it’s in mundane moments that our pains become acute. Because these moments are day-to-day, they’re also frequent and hard to escape. The Best General Tso's is, on one hand, a comedic moment between Larissa and her almond-bag-buying partner, but it also draws on the complex feelings and experiences underlying a simple mundane moment. Sometimes a leftover is not just a leftover.

Enjoy this new monologue for a female (or male) actor, older teens through adult, which runs about 1.5 minutes long. Check out an excerpt below and click at the end for the full piece.

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Climbing the Walls Exhibition: Including new monologue by Tara Meddaugh, The Best General Tso's, featuring Sara Jean Ford

I’m happy to be a part of a joint exhibition between Studio Theater in Exile and Hudson Valley MOCA called Climbing the Walls. Artistic Director of Studio Theater, Mara Mills, envisioned the virtual exhibition as a vehicle to "explore the ways we are experiencing life right now and how we imagine the future” during this global pandemic.

My short (1.5 minute) monologue, The Best General Tso’s features the fabulously talented actor, Sara Jean Ford (you may know her as Christine Daae in Phantom of the Opera on Broadway—and from lots more!). It’s about finding old General Tso’s chicken in the refrigerator during stay-at-home measures. While losses are certainly felt in big moments, I’ve often found that it’s in mundane moments that our pains become acute. Because these moments are day-to-day, they’re also frequent and hard to escape. The Best General Tso's is, on one hand, a comedic moment between partners, but it also draws on the complex feelings and experiences underlying a simple mundane moment. Sometimes a leftover is not just a leftover.

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11 Great Dramatic Monologues for Children

Finding a dramatic children’s monologue that is thoughtful, relatable, and age-appropriate can be a challenge. Here, I’ve collected ten (10) dramatic children’s monologues for you that are unique, memorable and fun for kids to act. These monologues range from 30 seconds to around 2 minutes. From Goldilocks having second thoughts to Lindsey confronting a bully who took a precious souvenir to Jenna facing an angry sister and a floor of broken glass—enjoy these 10 monologues show which can showcase your child’s dramatic talent and range!

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Thirteen (13) Great Comedic Children's Monologues Involving Child to Parent Confrontations

Is there anything more comically dramatic than a child breaking the bad news to his dad that he doesn’t want to be a Jedi? Or a daughter justifying to her mom why she should have a pet skunk? Okay…maybe a few things are a bit more dramatic, but emotions are emotions, and these clever children’s monologues are full of fun, clean drama, comedic timing and relatability. Muster up your passion for Animal Crossing, iPads and candy, and showcase your acting talent with these twelve (12) great comedic children’s monologues where a child confronts a parent. And definitely, have fun doing it!

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New children's comedic monologue about Animal Crossing: Your Crucian Carps are Blocking the Doorway, Mom

Okay, I’m not exactly a gamer, so my children were thrilled when I mentioned how Nintendo Switch’s Animal Crossing: New Horizons looked like a game I might be able to get into. A few adult friends shared how they were loving playing it and the idea of setting up my own paradise island amidst our pandemic quarantine near New York City sounded, well, pretty darn appealing. I wasn’t alone in that thought. Apparently, this game sold more than 13 million copies in the first 6 weeks after it was released in March. [Skip to my new comedic children’s monologue, Your Crucian Carps are Blocking the Doorway, Mom]

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Honing your Acting skill: Monologues for actors under quarantine

For many of us during this global pandemic, our theaters are closed down, acting classes are held virtually and auditions are video or streaming-only. Theater is a communal art-form by nature, so without the physical community, this distancing can be counter-intuitive and disheartening. However, artists are also resilient and creative by nature, and it did not take long for theater folks to form groups where readings and performances were held online, and actors, in their own isolation, have dedicated unanticipated space to honing their craft during this time of furlough….

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The Beanstalk Monologue: Featured on Unknown Playwrights Monologue Monday

Twisting up a classic tale from a new angle is a never-ending well, and I love it as much as the next fairy-tale-raised dramatist or thespian! So here is my monologue, The Beanstalk, edited from the 10-minute play of the same name, The Beanstalk, featured on Unknown Playwrights Monologue Monday series. This monologue has been dissected for years, being one of my earlier pieces, and I’ve loved seeing teachers and students analyze this, and the various unique performances and interpretations of the piece. From Monologue Mondays:

Meddaugh’s monologue is like a snapshot of Jack when he first tries to climb the beanstalk and dude is scared. He talks to a crow for comfort and what follows is a character-rich psychological study of fear with a bit of humor…Any way you cut it, Meddaugh’s monologue is a fresh take on a millennia-old story with a lot of physicality. Let’s see what our brave acting heroes have accomplished…

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New Children's Comedic 1-Minute Monologue: I Don't Wanna Be A Jedi

For those of you feeling the Star Wars vibe (or for those of you who are not!), check out my new 1-minute comedic monologue for a male or female child (or young teen) actor. Joel has to break some tough news to his Star-Wars-Superfan dad. Is his dad going to cry when he hears the news? Will he stop making BB8 donut hole treats? Joel doesn’t know, but it’s time for the truth, before his dad makes him wear those Jedi pajamas. Ready? Okay. So… Joel really just isn’t into Star Wars. The truth is, he’d prefer Captain Underpants. So. There you have it. Enjoy my new monologue, I Don’t Wanna Be A Jedi.

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Eleven (11) Romantic Monologues About Hopeful Love...

Love is complex, and the beginning phases, when there is doubt mixed with infatuation, it’s that hope of a romance that keeps you going. Check out these 8 romantic monologues where characters experience their own ranges of that spectrum. Whether the character is after brand new love or reconciling a love that has withered, join them on their quest for romance!
(Click the title for excerpts and the complete monologue)

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25 Unique Monologues About Love...

With Valentine’s Day a couple weeks away, enjoy this collection of unique monologues all about love…Some characters are hopeful, wistful, romantic; some characters are jealous, scorned, lonely; and…one thinks he’s a klingon. So… Wherever you are at in the love-spectrum, I hope the season brings you joy, hope, theatrical creativity—and you can kick it all off with these memorable monologues!…

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