Halloween Thriller Dramatic Monologue: Her Mouth is Moving

If you’re looking for a creepy thriller monologue about guilt, regret, murder and going a little out of one’s mind, check out HER MOUTH IS MOVING. In the monologue, Meghan has murdered a "frenemie" out of rage and now is face to face with the dead corpse. At least, she is pretty sure the victim is dead… except that it seems her mouth is still moving and this is really freaking Meghan out. Meghan is filled with horror and guilt at her own actions, and can barely understand what she has done, but she is starting to grasp the realty and the terrible consequences that she will now face.

HER MOUTH IS MOVING runs around 1 -2 minutes, for a female actor (or any gender if it resonates with you), and is suitable for late teens through mature adult. This monologue gives the actor the opportunity to show a breakdown as Meghan spins out in horror and guilt, due to her impulsive murder.

Right now, HER MOUTH IS MOVING is only available on PerformerStuff. You can read an excerpt and get the full monologue there.

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30+ Unique Monologues About Love...

With Valentine’s Day a couple weeks away, enjoy this collection of unique monologues all about love…Some characters are hopeful, wistful, romantic; some characters are jealous, scorned, lonely; and…one thinks he’s a klingon. So… Wherever you are at in the love-spectrum, I hope the season brings you joy, hope, theatrical creativity—and you can kick it all off with these memorable monologues!…

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