Teen/Tween Monologue about Bullying and Fitting In from “What Happened at the Mud Puddle”

In my one-act play, What Happened at the Mud Puddle, Taylor, resident mean/popular girl, is creating a whole lot of uncomfortable drama for her entire grade. By the end of the play, we’ll realize, not everyone is quite as straight-forward as they seem (including Taylor), and the line of who is “mean” and who is “nice” sometimes get a little blurred in middle-school… What Happened at the Mud Puddle is a comedy that runs around 25 minutes, with a nice ensemble cast of 12 roles (8 female, 4 male). It has a lot of great monologues, so while it’s good in-person theater, it also transitions easily to zoom or virtual productions.

In this monologue, we learn about Amanda. Amanda is new to this middle school and it doesn’t take long for Taylor to humiliate her in front of the whole cafeteria. So why does Amanda still want to go to Taylor’s party?

Amanda’s monologue runs about 2 minutes. You can read an excerpt of Amanda’s monologue below and you can read the whole play, published by YouthPLAYS here.


I wanted to go to Chloe’s party. I did. She’s kinda nice, and she’s helped me open my locker a few times before. And she didn’t make a big deal about it either. She said it happens to everyone, so don’t worry, and smiled at me. 


Taylor’s really pretty, I guess, and people seem to wonder what she thinks about a lot of things, but I don’t like Taylor. I moved here in December and even though Mrs. Fields told her to help me find my way around, she didn’t. But she didn’t just ignore me, which would have been, I don’t know, not really nice either. But she actually…I don’t know, tricked me and stuff.  She told me I had to pay the lunch lady in all pennies, or else I couldn’t buy lunch. So I didn’t even get in the lunch line—she made me sit by the windows by myself, and I was starving that first day. And the next day, when I collected all the pennies in my mom’s purse and in the car and in my old piggy bank, and went to pay the lunch lady, she—END OF EXCERPT. Click here for the free monologue, Amanda’s Monologue from What Happened at the Mud Puddle. This monologue is free to download, but if you would like to support the playwright and her craft, you may do so below:

Monologue Donation

Click here to get the complete one-act play from which this monologue comes, WHAT HAPPENED AT THE MUD PUDDLE, published by YouthPLAYS.

How to use Amanda’s monologue from What Happened at the Mud Puddle

To use this monologue for auditions or in the classroom:

  • Contact Tara for permission.

  • There is no fee for this specified use.

To use this monologue in a competition:

  • Purchase one copy (digital or printed) of the play from which this monologue comes per participant, found here:

  • In addition, contact Tara for permission.

  • There is no fee to perform this monologue in a competition.

To use this monologue in a non-competitive public showcase or performance:

  • Purchase one copy (digital or printed) of the play per participant found here.

  • In addition, contact Tara for permission and details.

  • There may be a small royalty fee for this purpose.