Children/teen comedic Halloween monologue: My Missing Skittles

Okay, kids, we’re a month away from Halloween and a 9-year-old just told me he read 90% of parents steal some of their kids’ Halloween candy! Do you think your parents are in that majority? Or is your mom or dad in that elite angelic 10%? And parents, do you think it causes no harm to skim a little Reeses Pieces from the tip?

Whatever your stance is, check out what Sal thinks in this Halloween-inspired monologue, where he catches his guilty dad by the kitchen pantry, Skittles’ wrappers in hand! This is a new comedic monologue for children/teens (male or female) actors. And kids, maybe you’ll be reciting a monologue of your own come November 1!

(Parents, stay tuned for your own Halloween-candy inspired monologue coming soon! Gotta write it still!!)

My Missing Skittles
Setting: KITCHEN
Running Time: Approximately 1 minute
Description: Sal, a child 5-12 years old, has woken up in the middle of the night to find his father by the kitchen pantry, holding several Skittles’ candy wrappers in his hand. Sal confronts his dad about where his dad may have gotten this candy from, just days after Sal’s Halloween candy was put away into this very closet…



Now you’re the one looking guilty, Dad. I know that face. I made that same face last night when you asked if I was playing with my Ipad after I went to bed. You could hear the fighting sounds. You knew I was. But we’re not talking about me right now. Are we? Cause I’m not the one standing by the closet with Skittles’ wrappers in my hands. Did you buy Skittles tonight, Dad? Cause I didn’t think you bought candy at stores. I thought you just bought milk and Band-Aids at stores, and only when Mom asked you to. Not Skittles. (pause) But I do remember what happened 2 nights ago when…END OF EXCERPT. CLICK BELOW FOR COMPLETE MONOLOGUE.