New Children's/Teen Monologue, "Ipad Fury"

How would you like to perform a monologue that's brand-spankin'-new to the public?  Well, children and teenagers, here's one for you! As always, contact me for request of use. Enjoy!


By Tara Meddaugh © 2015

JUSTIN, a boy, 7-15 years old, is sitting in the driver’s side of his mom’s Toyota Sienna minivan. The keys are in the ignition, the doors are locked. The window is open about 1 inch. Justin’s mom is standing next to the driver’s side of the car, locked out.



Just because I’m not a teenager yet doesn’t mean I can’t drive a car. You think I won’t do it?  I might not be good at it, but remember how long it took me to tie my shoes? I had those laces in knots no one knew what to do with, for years, but I didn’t stop. I just kept practicing. You say it’s good to be a hard worker.  Well, my strength is also my weakness, I guess.  Look at how that came to bite you, Mom. Because you know all it would take is for me to put this Sienna in reverse. Just back it out of the driveway nice and slow or maybe not nice and slow. Maybe fast and furious or whatever. Maybe I’d knock--CLICK BELOW FOR THE COMPLETE MONOLOGUE OF "IPAD FURY."

Ipad Fury, monologue