Talented actors take "Holding Ginger" to State Competition

One of my favorite things as a writer is to receive personal emails from actors relaying their positive experiences with my monologues or plays. You might not think I read all the emails, but I actually read each one personally. I can't be present at many performances, so I appreciate hearing how things go, especially when a performance is well-received, or confidently played.

I recently received an email from Abby and Jenny, actors from Wisconsin, updating me on how their Forensics Competition went with their performance of my ten minute play, Holding Ginger (they'd emailed for permission a few months back).  I'd like to congratulate them on their success with the piece!  Abby writes:

"We are thrilled to inform you that we advanced from sub-district, and then on to district. After some incredible scores there, today we had the opportunity to perform at our state competiton at the University of Wisconsin In Madison. This is where we would like to express our greatest thanks because we received a perfect score of 25 at state today. All the judges admired the piece greatly! So once again, thank you so very much for your permission to share this incredible piece, and we hope we can use your works in the future."

Fantastic job, Jenny and Abby!  I am happy my play could play a part in your success, but you are both clearly talented actors, and I look forward to hearing how your career unfolds!

If you have a story about one of my plays or monologues you'd like to share, send me a note. I'd love to hear!