Black and White and Red All Over, full length play

Black and White and Red All Over, full length play


A frivolous couple passes irrelevant time by hiring and firing servants, and trying to make sense of articles in stacks of old newspapers. But when the Wife wants more out of her life, she charges her Husband with a perilous task... Meanwhile, four eclectic strangers wind up secretly waiting together in this couple's bathroom. When they discover the reasons they have all been put together, the absurdities and danger of their situation become alarmingly clear. This is an absurdist dark comedy about finding truth amongst different realities, self-interest versus altruism and how far someone will go for the people they love. It harkens back to writers like Ionesco, Beckett and Durang, bringing a heightened world, playful language, absurd, sometimes cruel, humor.

This absurdist play has 12 roles (3 male, 3 female, and 6 male/female) and runs approximately 100 minutes.

Read a free excerpt here.

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