From the one-act comedy, Christmas Superpowers and Believing in Blitzen
by Tara Meddaugh

ANNIE, a girl of 5-10 years old, speaks to Blitzen, one of Santa’s reindeer who has been visiting her in the afternoons. She is in her living room speaking to him through the window as he stands outside.

Age range: 5-12



Hey…you’re magical, right?  Like, you don’t have wings, I know that. But I know you fly. I’ve seen you on Christmas Eve.  Plus, I think I saw you practicing your route on Thanksgiving night—right before we met. And, you talk, which has got to be magical because I keep talking to Bilbo—you know, my golden retriever—and he never talks back. Most of the time, I don’t think he even understands me except when I said “go for a walk.”


I know you have hooves, not fingers and hands, but we’ve already established you’re magical, so—END OF EXCERPT

Click for the free PDF of the monologue Begging Blitzen.

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For the entire play, Christmas Superpowers and Believing in Blitzen, from which this monologue comes, click below:

Christmas Superpowers and Believing in Blitzen, a one-act play

To four young children, Christmas is no simple sleigh ride.  Annie’s new best friend is a talking reindeer, and she’s not sure if that’s really okay... Sam is experiencing the pressure of being the Lead Shepherd in the church pageant.  Dylan has a very secretive wish he hopes Santa can deliver. And Lauren needs to make sure someone is giving her little brother a very special Christmas. Experience the joys and challenges of Christmas through the eyes of these children in this monologue-driven one-act comedy.
-This is a one-act Christmas-themed comedic play filled with great monologues. Running time is approximately 25 minutes.
-Cast: With doubling there is a cast off 5 actors: 3 male, 2 female - even with this breakdown, all roles are fairly gender flexible. Without doubling, the 1 adult character role may be split into 3 roles, so cast would be 7 actors: 3 male, 2 female, 2 male/female/neutral/flexible
Minimal set.